Sunday, November 9, 2014

Technology Highlights at the Richmond NCTM Regional

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If you're going to Richmond, VA for the NCTM regional conference you will have some interesting sessions involving technology to choose from. Leading off on Wednesday night is Dan Meyer's keynote session.

Beyond Relevance & Real World: Stronger Strategies for Student Engagement
Highlighting relevance and real-world connections are often seen as the most effective strategies for engaging students in difficult mathematics, but both strategies are limited and can fail in crucial ways. We'll add strategies to our repertoire, looking at research-based methods for creating need and developing questions instead.

You'll notice a new look to the conference sessions website. Larger font size and links to all the relevant social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

As far as technology sessions go there will be less than usual in Richmond. I counted only 36 sessions out of 291 (12%) that focused on the role of technology in teaching math. (See my list.)

Of the 36 I list these are the ones I would definitely attend if I was going (which I'm not.)

Cure for the Common Core (Love the title) Speakers: Patrick Callahan and Kate Nowak
Common Core and Web 2.0 Speaker: Nicole Shobert

Related previous blog entry