Sunday, January 26, 2014

Flipped Classroom: A minor tinkering or a paradigm shifter?

Borrowed from Eric Sheninger's blogpost
I was pleasantly surprised that there were eight sessions devoted to the idea of the flipped classroom on the program for NCTM’s Conference in New Orleans. Usually the flipped approach is to assign a video for homework to the set the stage for the classroom lesson to follow the next day. Of course, there is no guarantee that the “teaching” will be any different using this novel approach. There are plenty of canned videos that may or may not be “better” than what would occur in a the classroom. I like the idea because technology is used in a potentially effective way. But will  it change the paradigm from teacher-centered classrooms to student-centered ones? These sessions should help you answer that question.

I've listed the 8 sessions below that I'm flipped about. If you attend (or are giving) any of these sessions, please let me know how it was (or will be) either with a comment below or email me at

66- Flip It Good! Creating an Interactive Flipped Math Experience
In this session, learn how teachers can use educational web pages and interactive iPad apps to turn the traditional flipped classroom model into an interactive social community engaged in process-based, collaborative math instruction.
Thursday, April 10, 2014: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
223 (Convention Center)

95- Flipping Out about Math
This presentation will introduce or expand your knowledge of the trending instructional strategy called “flipping the classroom.” Participants will see how a flipped math classroom is conducted, become familiar with the technology and tools needed to effectively implement this strategy, and discuss results and challenges that may occur.
Thursday, April 10, 2014: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton)

121- Ratio and Proportion: A Common Core Progression for Grades 6–7
This session presents a two-year, flipped sixth- and seventh-grade ratio and proportion unit using instructional videos viewed at home and Common Core lessons in the classroom. Participants will be shown how to effectively use ratio tables and bar models to develop their students' proportional thinking.
Thursday, 9:45-11:00
Grand Salon 19-22 (Hilton)

229 - Transforming Geometry for Tomorrow’s Classroom
We did it all! We flipped our geometry class using iPads. We spent class time doing small-group activities, ones that demanded critical thinking and collaboration to solve problems. We used formative assessments to differentiate instruction, and we implemented the Common Core. Our instruction is still meaningful, still rigorous, but now reaches all students. Find out what worked and what didn't.
Thursday, 2:00-3:00
R05 (Convention Center)

262 - Building "Mathematical Talk" in an Early Childhood Flipped Classroom
Attendees will consider early childhood teachers' experiences as they learned to "flip" their mathematics classroom to enhance mathematical discussions in a project-based learning environment. Learn about the challenges and successes the teachers faced throughout the process and discover strategies to effectively manage the transition.
Thursday, April 10, 2014: 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
235/236 (Convention Center)

307 - Flipping with a Twist: Promoting Inquiry while Flipping the Classroom
This presentation encourages people to amend the usual method for a lecture/homework flipped classroom. I have added inquiry-based activities both before and after video lectures. Many of these activities can be done in other classes to promote understanding of Common Core concepts. We will simulate a typical two-day cycle of this form of instruction.
Friday, April 11, 2014: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
R07 (Convention Center)

359 - Flipping the Classroom: Lectures and Homework Trade Places
Have you ever wondered what would happen if students listened to lectures outside the classroom and class time was devoted to problem solving? This session will explain the pedagogical implications of flipped classrooms. We will also discuss practical considerations and see how to teach the Pythagorean theorem in a flipped classroom.
Friday, April 11, 2014: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
242 (Convention Center)

440 - Flipped Mastery Learning: Mathematics without Boundaries
Join the Algebros for a presentation of their flipped mastery model which allows students to progress at their own level by demonstrating mastery of all mathematical standards. We will explain why flipped mastery is changing how students learn and provide in depth information for flipping your class. Check out and bring questions.
Friday, April 11, 2014: 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
245 (Convention Center)

458 - The Flipped Math Class: Why We Love It!
Learn how to flip your class and become more thoughtful in your practice. Our students watch our notes online for homework and spend class time developing mathematical habits of mind. We will share how we use the iPad, Camtasia, and other tools to improve student engagement and how we make the most of our class time with students.
Friday, April 11, 2014: 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Great Hall B/C (Convention Center)

See previous blog about the NCTM Annual Conference in New Orleans.